Henahan Wedding

Henahan Wedding

This wedding has something of a crazy story to it! I was honored when my college froomate (friend/roomate) asked me to shoot her summer wedding, and then shortly after we worked out dates and logistics, I discovered I was expecting Browning baby #3. When I did the math I realized something. You know that wedding I agreed to shoot mid-July? Yeah, that was just scheduled a few days within MY DUE DATE! When I touched base with sweet, trusting Haley and let her know I’d still be game if she was (but would also understand if she wanted to hire an alternate photographer), she said she still wanted me, even if I had my brand new newborn in tow! And that’s exactly what went down 9 months later! Little Bennet was a week overdue, meaning I would be 5 days postpartum and not 11. Thankfully it was my third baby, so I started to bounce back world’s faster than I did with my previous two. And thankfully Bennet was such a little angel baby and basically slept through the whole thing. SO glad we pulled it off and that Haley still invited me to capture her perfect day! It was so lovely to help them celebrate in this way.